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440 Forums _ Software on MacOS 9 _ Protools Scoring Mechanism

Écrit par : Mac1 jeu. 15 août 2002, 20:13

Does anyone know if there is a way to take my midi tracks in Protools and score them out into lead sheets?

Écrit par : Synthetic ven. 16 août 2002, 20:56

I don't think there are any options for scoring in ProTools. As much as I love the program... that is one area it just dooesn't cover. My only thought is if you have say Logic... then you export midi tracks and pull them into Logic to create the score. There are a couple of actual midi scoring apps that would work just as well as Logic too but I don't see any way to do it within ProTools though.

Écrit par : Cue 1m1 dim. 18 août 2002, 02:55

Pro-Tools can't do this within it's own software (even though there is a serious MIDI upgrade rumored for HD to be shown at the next AES show).

In the film community, it's very popular for Orchestrators to take the MIDI file or SDII file from Pro-Tools and import it into a program called Finale. It can then be manipulated into a "Score friendly" notation that can be formatted for use in orchestral environments.

Please send your request to Digi ( as the more people who request a feature will tends to sway the marketing team to develop the most asked for features. I would love to see this feature incorporated in the future as well![COLOR=purple][COLOR=blue]

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