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440 Forums _ Software on MacOS 9 _ Mbox And Logic 4.8.1

Écrit par : bippi jeu. 18 déc. 2003, 14:24

Hi I´ve and ibook G3 900 and mbox. I want to use it with logic audio
and i´ve got version 4.8.1 of logic. I choose DAE in the hardware settings section og logic but it did not work always saying no audio hardware found.

How can i fix this?

Écrit par : Synthetic jeu. 18 déc. 2003, 15:25

ok... its been awhile since I have been able to use my Digi001 and Logic but it seems like I had to use another sound output option like Direct I/O maybe because I do remember having same prob. when I first got Logic. So try that option rather than DAE if its there... if that doesn't work and no one else can answer this for you... if you post the options, I can tell you which one I used but I am pretty sure if was Direct I/O I think. My machine is getting rebuilt so I can't look at my settings and tell you right off hand wink.gif

Écrit par : bippi ven. 19 déc. 2003, 02:26

In audio hardware you can choose

Mac AV
1212 I/O
Direct I/O
Stud I/O
Direct TDM

What should I choose?

Écrit par : Synthetic ven. 19 déc. 2003, 03:49

try Direct I/O .... but if that doesn't work and DAE doesn't work... my last guess is ASIO and u would need to look for the ASIO driver for the Mbox and put in Emagic folder or where it suggests. I still think it was Direct I/O but can't say for sure. Its got to be one of those 3 things... you might also search and look in their support area or just experiment with those 3 or other settings cool.gif

worst case... I will have my machine up and running again in couple of weeks and I can report back my settings wink.gif

Écrit par : bippi ven. 19 déc. 2003, 12:23

HI Synthetic

Thanks for the help. Im gonna try these things. Im pretty sure that ASIO will work if I buy the
driver from But im gonna try your suggestions first. Thanks again.

I will let you know how it goes.

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